I can run 1:1 sessions on the following resources available in the lab:

Bolex H16mm camera

Super 8 / 8mm shooting and hand processing

Lomo developing tanks

Steenbeck 16mm editing table

Cameraless 16mm film making

16mm contact printing

8mm / 16mm optical printing

I also run thematic workshops on practical ways of using photochemical film. Workshops can be delivered both on and offsite and can be scaled to size and number of participants. If you wish to book a bespoke 1:1 workshop, or are interested in developing a project with erehwon please email: jamesrholcombe@gmail.com or call James on +44 (0) 7548 125 450.


‘James is a f***ing genius. A consigliere of cinema'. What this guy doesn’t know ain’t worth shit.’ M. Sampaio, artist.